Shaving is a major buttache for me – I’ve been doing it for years but I still manage to cut myself about as much as you do in this comic 😛
Had a date recently, and I just had to turn up with this weird shrapnel-mark scabs across my chin (I am seriously bad at wet shaves)
If electric can work for you, then more power to you dude 😀
I like my shaves close, so bleedsville is likely where I’ll stay 😛
Somedays I can do it well – other days I am super anxious and end up shaking too much to do it without cutting my face, which makes me even more anxious and more shaky!! argh 🙁
EEk having to put a razor near my skin for the first time ever may be the thing I’m most afraid of when I start T.
Electric razors seem heaps easier to use, plus no chance of cutting oneself!
No chance my private cuts. 😛
Shaving is a major buttache for me – I’ve been doing it for years but I still manage to cut myself about as much as you do in this comic 😛
Had a date recently, and I just had to turn up with this weird shrapnel-mark scabs across my chin (I am seriously bad at wet shaves)
If electric can work for you, then more power to you dude 😀
I like my shaves close, so bleedsville is likely where I’ll stay 😛
Shaving isn’t really that hard, just watch a youtube tutorial and _never_ slide sideways :).
Somedays I can do it well – other days I am super anxious and end up shaking too much to do it without cutting my face, which makes me even more anxious and more shaky!! argh 🙁