This has felt like a conversation I’ve been having with myself for a while now. I had heard about the Drink and Draw Like a Lady evenings in Portland and thought “woah, that’d be awesome! If I were there I’d totally go!”, and then did a double take. Nope, I wouldn’t go. Sad.
As I let more and more people know about where I’m at, and start to ask them to use Sam and male pronouns, I become more aware of the things that I have to give up. It’s not a regretful kind of thing, just a noticing of loss.
So, yes, apologies to: Erika Moen, Dylan Meconis, Cristy C. Road, Lucy Knisley, Danielle Corsetto, and Kris Dresen.
Panel 1:
First Sam: (A person wearing a white t-shirt, a grey vest, and darker grey trousers, who is facing and looking directly at the viewer. Eyebrows are raised, and mouth is open. Arms are bent up at the elbows, hands are palm up, and open, with fingers curling back towards the palms somewhat.) I feel pretty sad moving away from the category of ‘woman comic artist’.
Second Sam: (A person standing behind the First Sam who is turned away a little, towards the side of the viewer, and is looking at the first Sam, with a small, closed mouth.)
Third Sam: (A person standing behind the Second Sam, who is facing away from the viewer, and towards the Fourth Sam.)
Fourth Sam: (A person who is both facing, and walking away from the Sams, and the viewer.)
(There are three sets of two lines. One between the First and Second Sams, one between the Second and Third Sams, and one between the Third and Fourth Sams, all of which indicate movement. There is a caption at the bottom of the panel, which reads:) It’s one of the biggest losses I feel transitioning.
Panel 2:
Sam: (Sam has two heads sharing the same body. The first head has one eyebrow raised and the other lowered, with an open mouth that has slightly downturned edges. The second head has both eyebrows raised, and an open mouth. One arm is raised slightly at the shoulder and bent up at the elbow, with the palm facing the viewer, and the fingers bent forward a little. The other arm is bent up at the elbow, fingers and thumb are bent forward at the knuckles, so that the tips are touching. The first head is saying:) I don’t want to become another guy in an industry already over represented (no full stop, as the next line starts with ‘and’) (The second head is saying:) and I don’t read a lot of comics by men.
(The background on the same side as the first head is covered in pale blue symbols. Each symbol is comprised of a circle with an arrow on its outside edge, which is pointing away from the circle. The background on the same side as the second head is also covered in pale blue symbols. Each symbol is comprised of a circle with a ‘plus’ symbol on its outside edge, at the bottom.)
Panel 3:
Dylan Meconis: (A person with short, dark brown hair and small rectangular glasses, who is wearing a greyish olive v neck long sleeve shirt, and is looking directly at the viewer. Both eyebrows are raised high, and mouth is open, with very upturned edges. One arm is raised at the shoulder, bent up at the elbow, and fingers closed in a fist. The other arm is raised at the shoulder, forearm bent back towards Dylan’s side, hand in a fist, at Dylan’s hip.)
Danielle Corsetto: (A person with long, tied up, brown hair, who is wearing an olive v neck long sleeve shirt, and is looking in the direction of the viewer. One eyebrow is raised, the other lowered and mouth is closed and small. One arm is bent up at the elbow, palm is facing the viewer, fingertips bent forward.)
Erika Moen: (A person drawn in black and white, with short, light-coloured hair, who is wearing an even lighter-coloured singlet, and is looking directly at the viewer. Both eyebrows are raised, one more than the other. Mouth is open, with very upturned edges. One arm is raised slightly at the shoulder, bent up at the elbow, and hand is open, palm facing the viewer. Both upper arms have tattoos.)
Lucy Knisley: (A person with short, dark blonde hair and rectangular glasses, who is wearing a blue t-shirt, with a picture of a chunk of Swiss cheese on it, and who is looking directly at the viewer. Eyebrows are raised, mouth is closed, with one edge upturned. One arm is raised at the shoulder, bent up at the elbow, palm is facing the viewer, fingertips bent forward.)
Kris Dresen: (A person drawn in black and white, with shoulder-length, light coloured hair and rectangular glasses, who is wearing a darker coloured collared shirt, and a necklace. She is looking directly at the viewer, with one raised eyebrow, and a closed, neutral mouth.)
Cristy C. Road: (A person with medium brown hair, which is tied up in a blue bandana, who is wearing a pink singlet, and is looking directly at the viewer. One eyebrow is raised, mouth is closed, with slightly downturned edges. There is a tattoo across Cristy’s upper chest.)
(There are two captions. The caption at the top reads:) Not that I’m even in the same class as my heroes. (The caption at the bottom reads:) …but they are my heroes.
Discussion (18) ¬
I felt kinda wonky about going to DDLL West as I’m not really identifying as either female or male recently. I’m becoming this sort of nebulous whatsit that fencesits between all different genders. But then I thought to myself, “I should go anyway. Firstly, because it’s in Portland which is a scant two hour drive away. And secondly, I *have* identified as female in the past, and I think the good folks at DDLL would be *totally* amenable to someone who bucks the gender binary, especially if that someone draws comics.” It was a good decision, because I met some totally awesome folks there, and I got to visit an old venue I hadn’t been to in at least five years. (The Secret Society Lounge is quite a lovely place.)
So I say, start up your own local DDLGQ, and meet some cool fellow comic artists!
Carpe Diem,
el jo
Yay, I’m glad you had such a lovely experience, and I totally loved your reasoning – it certainly seemed like a place where gender-binary-buckers would be welcome. I like the idea of a DDLGQ too, though I think I’m prepared to meet anyone around these parts who draws comics, there’s so few that I know.
The comics world is under-represented by transguys.
I kept all my female heroes when I transitioned.
Don’t sweat it!
Cheers Ryan, I’m glad other guys keep there female heroes. I’d feel pretty sad if I had to trade ’em in.
Remember when Erika Moen married to a British fella? And she started identifying as “queer” instead of “lesbian?” S’all good! You’ll always be a queer comic artist, and we need more of ’em.
If it’s good enough for Moen … it’s good enough for me (and you).
‘Tis true, ’tis true. Queer is such a good word. It is official.
Aw hey, even though you’re feeling that loss as you progress in your transition, don’t think for a second that you’re losing your *connection to* lady cartoonists just because you’re not one
Making comics is not about the gender of the cartoonists, it’s about making good, compelling comics. Which is what you’re already doing, and noticeably improving every time you update! Just keep it up and keep being a Good Person and you’ll always be welcome around cartoonists in the “comics community”, be they female, male or neither.
(Also, heehee! Thanks for the cameo!)
Hey thanks, yes I agree, it’s not the gender but the stories people tell. I guess I’m just noticing some difference of where my viewpoint is seen from as I transition.
It’s been really nice to try and get some of these ideas on paper and stick (mostly) to a schedule, it seems like people read it so I’ll keep going.
And I got your book in the mail yesterday! It’s so awesome that you included your early stuff alongside the most recent DAR – it whoooshed me back to my younger self in all her angst. Seriously that angst-bucket image is one that allllways pops in my mind.
I wanted to share a story that happened about a year ago when I first launched my webcomic – – around the 2nd or 3rd week I saw my stats go from like 20 people to like 3000 people one day. I wondered ‘what in the world is going on?’ Well that day I got an email from a trans reader who thought that ‘trap’
in this strip ( was referring to a slang term used in the trans community. The reader was SO excited that a trans cartoonist was making comics that identified with them. Unfortunately I had to explain that it was a misunderstanding (I’m a gal), but there is a community of people out there that could definitely embrace you if you make comics that speak to them (: Either way no matter what gender you identify with – your work stands on its own!!
Anyway that’s my 2-cents, keep up the cartooning (:
Oh wow, that’s pretty awesome, if a little bit awkward. You’re two-cents was very much excellent, and very much appreciated.
Loved your strip today, btw – I wish I’d got to go to an x-files class
I feel sort of the opposite about being a girl who does comics, I’m also Asian looking so I was afraid if I did a comic it would get lumped into “oh it’s another women autobio!” or “here’s an asian american artist!” or what have you. So I ended up doing the furthest thing from celebrating being a girl in comics by making my autobio comic appear as not-me-looking at all. Haha. But I do think DDLL are just about celebrating being in the industry and the NY ones have been a lot of fun for me, even though it was something I had previously not thought I would mesh well with.
Yeh I can understand that perspective – being lumped in with a category (such as woman, asian, straight, gay… and all the rest) can sometimes work to dismiss your individuality. I’m really glad that things like DDLL have been fun for you – I think they could be a really great idea. I also kinda like the idea of turning yourself into something else for your comics, but how did you end up choosing a hedgehog for yourself?
I think of it this way. Men might be overrepresented in comics, but I defy you to try and name five trans men in comics. I can think of… less than five. (Tab Kimpton, who does Khaos Komix and a couple others who do transguy comics.)
I’m sorta on the opposite side as you; pretty much all the comics in my shelf right now are written by men. Which is kinda D:, now that I think of it…
thanks man, yeh transmen in comics is pretty underrepresented. I think I know of two…. Khaos is pretty amazing, feel free to put links up to the other guys!
Why would anyone want or need to abandon or change their heroes/heroines just because they are changing their gender expression? You’re still the same person you always have been inside, so surely you still admire the same qualities in others and the work they produce right?
And what’s the deal with gender categories anyway? Surely it’s your work itself which really defines the way you are categorised as an artist?
And being a different gender doesn’t prevent you from being in the class as your heroes/heroines does it?
Anyway, as the T kicks in you’ll most likely have a whole lot of subject material which very few comic artists of any gender have ever covered… so at least for awhile there you will be virtually uncategorical
I, for one, am all for more men that look up to women!