Seems a bit weird that my final comic in this series ends like this, especially in a week where a government Minister decided to defer some really important legislation that would help trans people. But, this deferment doesn’t take away from the amazing work that our communities are doing, and have been doing (for much longer than the last decade). It’s slower than it needs to be, and it’s frustrating and gruelling, but change is happening.

In that second panel is a bunch of different resources from NZ – not all, of course, but some of them:

  1. Drumbeat a support group for caregivers of gender questioning or trans young people
  2. 21 ways to be an ally to trans youth
  3. Youth ’12 Transgender Infographics
  4. Hamilton Pride
  5. Trans Rights Inside Out poster
  6. Guidelines for Gender Affirming Healthcare for Gender Diverse and Transgender Children, Young People and Adults in Aotearoa New Zealand
  7. Queer 101
  8. Dunedin Pride
  9. I’m Local
  10. Aitu Ball by Fafswag
  11. All of Us by Stace Robertson
  12. Making Schools Safer for Trans Gender Diverse Youth by Inside Out
  13. Out Loud project by (Me! and) Rainbow Youth
  14. Yes to BDMRR poster by Gender Minorities
  15. Takatāpui: Part of the Whānau by Elizabeth Kerekere
  16. More Than Four
  17. Our March by Auckland Pride
  18. Out on the Shelves
  19. All about Intersex by Intersex Youth Aotearoa


Hey! And by the way I have a discount of Family Portraits comic series up on my store for like the next 24 hours, and I also have my trans love stickers up there now too!