So Joey had surgery last week – it was just minor surgery for a small lipoma (which turned out to be a bigger than expected lipoma), and it was hella yuck (for both of us….. probably more so for Joey…. probably). They’re recovering now, and healing well.
It’s weird to post a comic that’s quite traumatic, whilst watching over my twitter feed grieving for Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds – both of those two made a massive impact on me and I’m super sad that they’ve died. Singin’ in the Rain and Star Wars were some of my faves.
What in the hell
I’ve had docs tell me they’re stopping before & then not (and dentists) and that last comment is just!!!!
Lord. 🙁
Having to be awake for surgery is the worst. That said I’ve never had a doctor as horrible as what you’ve shown here. I guess I’m just lucky to be in North Auckland.
always yell at the doctor when they are being stupid or mean. you’re the spouse, you can do that