So here’s the newest part of my Pride Series – this time examining the things that I do feel proud of. These conversations feel really tricky, sad, and hard to have – and I just wanted to send out love to the folks who are brave enough to have those conversations.


I’ve also set up a little Patreon, to help have a little bit of sustainable income from the comic – it’s definitely NOT mandatory, and it’s not a signal that the comic is going to cost from now on or in the future. It’s just help to have some money coming in, from those who can afford it:


Patreon is basically a site that helps artists and creatives to have ongoing funding to keep doing their work.  I’ve set one up at (or click on the image above). It’s set up so you can donate a little bit of money every time I post a comic on Rooster Tails.

If you’re struggling to work out how to navigate the site, I made a little 7 step guide for how to use it (if this guide has flaws in it let me know, and I can fix it!)