So yeh, yay and such like
Transcript –
Panel 1:
Dr: (A silhouette.) So, Joe you can give Sam his first shot if you want.
Sam: (A person wearing an olive green t-shirt, who is facing the viewer, but looking at the Dr. Eyebrows are raised slightly and mouth is closed, with slightly upturned edges.)
Joe: (A person wearing a black undershirt, a red cardigan and a blue neckerchief, who is facing the viewer, but looking at the Dr. Eyebrows are raised and pushed together, mouth is open with very slightly downturned edges.) What?! No! Can you just show me how to?
Panel 2:
Dr: (A person wearing a pale blue, collared shirt, who is both crouching behind and mostly obscured by Sam, facing the viewer, but looking down at Sam’s butt. Eyebrows are raised slightly.) Ok, so you make a square and find the upper outer quadrant.
Joe: (A person who is crouching beside the Dr, facing the viewer, but looking down at Sam’s butt. Eyebrows are raised and mouth is open, with very slightly downturned edges.) Ok, yep I see…
Sam: (A person who is facing the viewer while leaning against an examination table. Eyebrows are raised slightly and mouth is closed in a tiny ‘o’. Arms are crossed across Sam’s chest.)
Panel 3:
Sam: (A person who is facing the viewer, but whose eyes are pointing in slightly different directions. Eyebrows are raised and mouth is open, with very slightly downturned edges. Arms are crossed across Sam’s chest and atop the examination table. There is a large, spiky, yellow shape behind Sam and a couple of red exclamation marks next to Sam.) Woah! What?!? A little warning next time!
Panel 4:
Sam: (A person who is looking directly at the viewer, with eyebrows raised and pushed together somewhat, mouth is open and has upturned edges. One hand is on Sam’s butt, and there are a couple of parallel dashes next to it, indicating movement. The other arm is raised at the elbow, bent back at the wrist and forward at the fingers.) Anyway, I’m on T now.
yay! We’re in synch
Oooh, might get outta synch again – I’ve got another shot of sustanon, and then hopefully going on the Depo T 2 weeks after that. so confusing! I gotta keep track of my dates better!
I don’t know if it’s just me, but this comic isn’t showing up.
Yeh, sorry about that, wasn’t just you – it was my darn internet not letting me load the comic 🙁 Should be fixed now!
So much Yay!!
Whee! Congrats 🙂 I have my 5th due tomorrow.
Hoorah! Have you noticed many changes yet?
Yes! A more energy and increased sense of vitality, increased strength/recovery and progress in the gym, deeper voice, more hair growth, growth downstairs. 😛 Haven’t had too much trouble with my skin though it’s become oily. Hunger has increased a little bit, nothing drastic and no change in randiness. Yet. 😛 Had my first bloodtest yesterday to see how things are going.