I love that the rainbow love is soooo bloody annoying. seriously. That’s how I remember it.
Panel 1:
(There is a caption that fills roughly half of the panel, which reads:) It was weird because my love for her grew slowly and silently over time.
(Filling the other half of the panel is a black love heart shape within a white love heart shape, within another black love heart shape, within another white love heart shape.)
Panel 2:
(This panel is drawn entirely in black and white.)
(There are 2 Younger Sams drawn in this panel, with a caption alongside each. The first caption reads:) dodee dodo deedo.
Younger Sam 1: (A person wearing a white singlet, white trousers and white shoes, who is facing the viewer semi side-on, and looking straight ahead. Eyebrows are raised and mouth is open, with slightly upturned edges. One arm is bent forward from the shoulder and the other bent back, and one leg is bent forward from the hip and the other bent back.)
(The second caption reads:) I had no idea it was there until one day I was walking and it struck me.
Younger Sam 2: (A person wearing the same as Younger Sam 1, who is facing the viewer, but looking slightly to the side. Eyebrows are raised high and mouth is open wide. Arms are raised at the shoulders, each at a 45 degree angle from Younger Sam 2’s sides. There is one big lightning bolt hitting Younger Sam 2’s chest, and five more surrounding it. Younger Sam 2’s whole body is tilted back somewhat.)
(Both Younger Sam 1 & 2 are atop a winding path, which is surrounded by grass and a couple of big trees.)
Panel 3:
(A caption fills most of this panel, it reads:) like a shot through my heart.
(There are two big lightning bolts to either side of the caption, one to the upper right and the other to the lower left. There are a number of small lightning bolts surrounding the caption.)
Panel 4:
(There is a caption at the top of the panel, which reads:) It was as though my feeling had decided to pop into my consciousness…
Younger Sam: (A person who is facing the viewer but looking down and to the side, with raised eyebrows and an open mouth. The top of Younger Sam’s head is flipped open, like a flip-top cell phone. One arm is raised slightly at the shoulder and bent up at the elbow, hand holding Younger Sam’s brain. There is a love heart shape on Younger Sam’s chest, from which a couple of parallel lines, which indicate movement, are drawn. The lines stretch to just above Younger Sam’s brain, where a personified rainbow stands.)
Rainbow: (A colourful being, who has raised eyebrows and an open mouth with upturned edges. Arms are pointing straight up and hand are open, palms facing the viewer.)
Panel 5:
(There is a caption at the top of the panel, which reads:) …that it was tired of being buried…
Rainbow: (A colourful being, who has raised eyebrows and an open mouth with very upturned edges. Arms are pointing straight up and hand are open, palms facing the viewer. Rainbow is still standing atop Younger Sam’s brain.) hi!
Panel 1:
Rainbow: (A colourful being, who has raised eyebrows and an open mouth with very upturned edges. Arms are pointing straight up and hand are open, palms facing the viewer. Rainbow is still standing atop Younger Sam’s brain.) Hey Sarah!
Panel 2:
Rainbow: (A colourful being, who has raised eyebrows and an open mouth with very upturned edges. Arms are pointing straight out and hand are open, palms facing the viewer.) I’m your love for Melissa!
Panel 3:
Rainbow: (A colourful being, who has raised eyebrows and an open mouth with very upturned edges. Arms are pointing straight out, and hands are giving the thumbs up. There are a couple of parallel lines behind Rainbow, which signify that Rainbow has bounded from Younger Sam’s brain to Younger Sam’s shoulder.) Your big GAY love!
Younger Sam: (A person who is facing the viewer but looking down at Rainbow, with raised, slightly pushed together eyebrows and a small, closed mouth with downturned edges. Next to Younger Sam’s head “!?!” are drawn.)
Panel 4:
(On an entirely black background, a single word is written in white. It reads:) Fuck.
Panel 5:
Rainbow: (A colourful being, who has raised eyebrows and an open mouth with very upturned edges. Arms are pointing straight up and hand are open, palms facing the viewer.) You know what that means, right?!
Younger Sam: (A person who is facing the viewer, but looking down at Rainbow, with raised eyebrows, wide eyes and an open mouth, with slightly downturned edges. The upper arm that Rainbow is on is now raised to almost shoulder height.)
Panel 6:
Rainbow: (A colourful being, who has raised eyebrows and an open mouth with very upturned edges. Rainbow is now in Younger Sam’s hand, with one arm up, finger pointing at Younger Sam.) You’re a les-
Younger Sam: (A person who is facing the viewer but looking down at Rainbow, with raised, slightly pushed together eyebrows and an open mouth, with downturned edges. One arm is raised slightly at the shoulder and bent forward at the elbow, hand cupped around Rainbow.) NO! Don’t say it!
Panel 7:
Younger Sam: ssssh!!
Rainbow: (A colourful being who has lowered eyebrows and an open mouth, with very upturned edges. Arms are pointing straight up and hand are open, palms facing the viewer.) lezzzz-
Younger Sam: (A person who is facing the viewer, but looking down at Rainbow with slightly raised, pushed together eyebrows and an open mouth, with downturned edges, showing teeth pressed together. Shoulders are hunched and both arms are bent up at the elbow. One hand is by Younger Sam’s mouth, one finger against Younger Sam’s lips, and the rest of the hand closed. The other hand is a little further away from Younger Sam’s body, at chest height, with fingers and thumb bent so that there’s a small gap between Younger Sam’s index finger and thumb.) Someone might hear!
I want a little rainbow voice of queerness within!
I love the rainbow’s grin in the last panel.
He’s pretty cheeky
To start, I love your little rainbow of pesky gaylove. Love is so damned inconvenient and bossy!
I stumbled upon your comic a while ago, and I feel badly for never commenting. Your perspectives on gender and sexual identity are wonderful to read and I like your graphic style. I’ve felt a little nervous about chiming in since I don’t really know where I fit in the whole continuum… but then, that’s rather the point of your blog… trying to figure it all out. Thank you for sharing this. There are so many things that need to be said and you’re doing a great job of saying them. Keep up the fabulous work!
Aww thanks so much! The rainbow gaylove is one of my favourite inventions! I’m glad you finally commented, I’m a firm believer of not having to have a label/phrase/set position on the continuum – I think we need to make more room to sit in the unknown. Cheers heaps for writing tho, it means a lot!
Do the $9 for both hard copies include shipping?
Yep, sure do