Aug14 by Sam Orchard on August 14, 2013 Chapter: Comic So, if anyone knows of a good trans/queer-friendly shrink in Auckland, let me know. Even though I’m totes cured. └ Tags: queer, Sadness, Super Butts Related Comics ¬ First Shot On Sadness Part 3 Talking About It Stuck Part Two The Pretty One
Here’s a hug. Also kudos to Joe.
Thanks! I will pass on your kudos to Joe, he will feel excited about how many people agree 😀
I think we’re all really glad you have Joe *hugs both*
Also – is that cloud-shirt real? It’s adorable!!!
Ha, yes, it’s an old pair of pyjamas that I used to love, but that I grew out of, I will have to find another pair…
Okay the last panel made me giggle uncontrollably. If only it just took one good bowel movement to get rid of depression. <3
I must admit I’m also giggly over the last panel. But thinking lots of huggy thoughts for the rest. And I can recommend an awesome therapist, too …
xx Dee
ooh yes please, recommend, recommend!!