My parents live in another country to me and came to visit over Summer (December for Antipodeans). It must be strange for them, only seeing me in snippets, especially over the last three years; I feel like I’ve changed so much, and they haven’t seen it as a gradual shift like most people have. They know dribs and drabs about how I identify – they know I shop in the boys section, they know I strap myself down, and mum gave up a long time ago with her suggestions that I wear skirts and pretty my hair up. But in terms of actual “hey mum, dad, I’m a boy” I’ve yet to get that far.


Panel 1:

Sam: (A person wearing a greyish green hoodie, who is looking directly at the viewer. With raised eyebrows, and an open mouth, with slightly downturned edges. Arms are bent out, at the elbow, palms are facing upwards, with relaxed fingers.) Mum, dad you know how I go out with Joe?


Panel 2:

Sam: (Looking directly at the viewer, with one eyebrow raised, one lowered and an open mouth. Arms are raised at the shoulder, bent at the elbow, and hands are being rubbed together.) Well, he’s a boy… A transboy.


Panel 3:

Sam: (Looking directly at the viewer, with raised eyebrows, an open mouth, with downturned edges, and slumped shoulders.) And so am I. I just wanted you to know.


Panel 4:

Sam: (Back to the viewer, facing a mirror, with slumped shoulders.) Yep, this is gonna be fiiiine.